Family playtime: more than just a chance to have fun together

Spontaneous play comes naturally to your child. But more structured activities - such as board games - require a set of fairly complex rules that need to be learned. The objective behind these games is to entertain your child while developing his/her potential and teaching him/her how to play with others .


Educational objectives include fostering social skills and other abilities

Structured games help your child grasp new concepts and put his/her verbal, mnemonic, tactile and cognitive skills to the test. Children below the age of five - and often older children as well - are quite egocentric. As they play they learn to wait their turn, accept the rules of the game , address rivalry and conflict and learn to lose well.


Each age range comes with its own skills

When choosing games for infants and children you need to account for your child's abilities and keep in step with his/her development : a 2-year-old is capable of imagination and is already capable of playing with others, a 3-year-old has a clear grasp of colors and perceives differences, a 4-year-old learns to accept defeat and form alliances against a common enemy, while a 5-year-old can craft full-blown strategies.


Having fun with mum and dad

What game should you choose for your child? Starting at age 2, family board games are a particularly good choice. Sharing reinforces your child's sense of security, helping him/her feel loved and accepted. At the same time, it helps parents learn more about their baby and impart core values ​​such as respect for others.